$15.00 USD

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Safety & Supervision

In this course, you'll learn how to effectively supervise your class, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries as well as promote positive, responsive and intentional learning environments for children. 

This course meets required pre-service training for new child care employees and must be taken before working with children. It also meets required annual training requirements for teachers and directors.

*Course Script and Listening Sheet (for taking notes) available in Spanish.

Texas Core Competency Area 2: Responsive Interactions and Guidance

Texas Core Competency Area 8: Health, Safety and Nutrition

Course credit: 2 hours

Access to this course expires 60 days from the date of purchase.

If you're looking to purchase this item for a staff member or someone other than yourself, click here.

What People Are Saying:

Course taken was excellent and very relevant to what we're experiencing today. I also had to contact tech support for an issue I had and it was handled beautifully. Thank you.

Patricia Aguirre