$15.00 USD

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Understanding Shaken Baby, SIDS and Early Brain Development

This course helps those who care for infants and toddlers know what to watch for regarding Shaken Baby Syndrome and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and how to best prevent them. 

This course meets training requirements for new child care employees, infant/toddler teachers and foster parents.

Texas Core Competency 1 - Child Growth & Development
Texas Core Competency 8.2 - Health

Course credit: 2 hours

Access to this course expires 60 days from the date of purchase.

If you're looking to purchase this item for a staff member or someone other than yourself, click here.


What People Are Saying:

The speaker's voice is soothing. Information is presented in a factual, simple, and easy to understand manner. Good graphics and information for further study is provided.

Lysely Fermin