Summer activities your kids will love 😎🌞🌻

May 16, 2022

It's nearly here, are you ready?

Whether you love summer like me or dread the heat, it’s time to do some planning and get ready to have those schoolers with you all day!

Early childhood programs often take a break from their regular curriculum in summer to focus on different things.  Here are some ideas for weekly themes in summer that will lead to lots of exploration, fun, and learning:

  • Water, ice and steam
  • Concoctions (think mud pies, mixtures and goop)
  • Birds
  • Bread
  • Sun, planets and solar energy
  • Farmers markets
  • Insects and bugs
  • Sports
  • Tea parties
  • Turtles
  • Umbrellas
  • Museums

I can think of at least 5 activities for each of these themes. If you’d like to brainstorm together, email me, and let's talk about it!

And of course, we've got what you need for your ongoing training. Click here to take a course at Texas Child Care Training.

Thanks for all you do for children and families. 😍

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